Apartment Large

The apartment Large north with view to the garden and wooden log house is appreciated in summer because of the pleasant temperature. The bathroom is spacious and the living room has a small kitchenette.

Theapartment Large south offers a wonderful view of the imposing Mittagskogel.. One of the apartments has direct access to the garden terrace.

Families with 1 to 2 children feel very comfortable here.

  • 32 – 38 m²
  • 2 to 4 persons
  • double room
  • Living- bedroom
  • shower/toilet
  • Kitchenette with fridge
  • Coffee maker
  • dishes
  • LCD-Sat-TV
  • WLAN
Ferienwohnung L Süd
double room

at apartment L south

Ferienwohnung L Süd

Apartment L south - modern und bright

Ferienwohnung L Süd

Apartment L south

Ferienwohnung L Nord
Eat-in kitchen

at apartment L north

Ferienwohnung L Nord
double room north

at apartment L north

Ferienwohnung L Nord
eat-in kitchen with SAT-TV

at apartment L north

Ferienwohnung L Nord

very large in the apartment L Nord

01.04 - 30.06.202530.06 - 14.09.202514.09 - 31.10.2025EndreinigungFinal cleaning
Doppelzimmer inkl. Frühstück pro Persondouble room incl. breakfast/personabstarts from54 €68 €54 €
Ferienwohnung SmallApartment smallabstarts from65 €85 €65 €30 €
Ferienwohnung Small PlusApartment small plusabstarts from72 €101 €72 €40 €
Ferienwohnung Medium mit BalkonApartment medium with balconyabstarts from86 €115 €86 €50 €
Ferienwohnung LargeApartment largeabstarts from98 €127 €98 €60 €
Ferienwohnung Large Plus mit GartenterrasseApartment large plus with garden terraceabstarts from127 €150 €127 €70 €
Ferienwohnung XLarge mit Balkon oder GartenterrasseApartment xlarge with balcony or garden terraceabstarts from140 €161 €140 €80 €
Kostenbeitrag für ZusatzbettFee for extra bed15 €15 €15 €
Orts-/Nächtigungstaxe ab 17 J.local tax from 17 y.2,20 €2,70 €2,20€
  • zuzügl. Endreinigung
  • Frühstück zubuchbar für 17 €/Person – Kinder bis 16 Jahre zahlen den Preis ihres Alters
  • plus final cleaning fee
  • Breakfast bookable for 17 €/Person – Children up to 15 years pay the price of their age

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