Apartments Theresienhof
Brigitte Meandzija
Eggerstraße 19
9581 Petschnitzen – Faaker See

phone: +43 650 7777569

Informations in accordance with E-Commerce law

UID: ATU61488223

Fachgruppe: Tourismus
Firmenbuchnummer: VL550
Firmenbuchgericht: 66743195935
Berufsgruppe: Fremdenpension

Responsible for the content:
Brigitte Meandzija

Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Liability fasting week
For the treatments and implementation of the fasting week is dip. nutritionist and fasting companion Cordelia Ortner responsible.


all sides background picture top:
Region Villach Tourismus GmbH, photograf: Franz Gerdl

picture footnote
Edward Gröger Kärnten Werbung

other pictures:
Region Villach Tourismus GmbH

Kommt in Kürze! Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Unannehmlichkeiten.