Crafting with natural materials

We collect fine sand, stones, leaves and wood together on a walk along the stream and in the forest. Then we give free rein to our creativity and make concrete sculptures, bird baths, gnomes, mushrooms and plant bowls. Crea(c)tive workpieces are made from stones and wood.

Forest Qi Gong with Heidi

Immerse yourself in the diversity and uniqueness of the forest and be amazed, because the forest is a communicating organism. Slow movement and conscious breathing strengthen the immune system. The sensory organs are trained and sensitized and blockages are released so that the Qi (life energy) can flow freely again.

Soap boiling

Children and adults can give free rein to their ideas when making soaps or pouring glycerine soap with incorporated flowers and leaves. So everyone gets their own individual favorite piece.

Indian Spirit

Feel the spirit of the Indians at Lake Faak. Take to the secluded corridors of Schilfgasse on Lake Faak with a certified instructor. You are guaranteed to remember this vacation day as a unique nature experience. As you glide past the water lilies, propelled by your own muscle power, many a romantic thought could be awakened

Fun for children at Theresienhof

Whether stirring ointments, barbecuing or preparing a children's show, the creativity of our young guests is welcomed and encouraged. Together we experience the world of the bee, the plant and also our own strength, for example when preparing for a great campfire evening with marshmallows and everything else that goes with it.

Honey processing

From harvest to breakfast bread. Brigitte will tell you everything you need to know about honey. During further processing, scented candles ("honeymelt"), honey liqueur and wax cloths are produced. You will also learn how to make an ointment from forest resin and beeswax and how propolis is produced.

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